Sunday, January 8, 2012

Build Season is Here!

Hello everyone and welcome to team 1720's new blog!

Yesterday was the first day of our build season. This is when we find out what kind of challenging game our robot is going to play. This year the game is called "Rebound Rumble!" To see how the game is played you can watch the animation here:

After we found out what the game was, we went straight to work. Yesterday and today were spent thinking and talking about what type of robot we should build, what kind of strategies we should use and the different mechanisms we could use to help us do well in the competition.

From now until February we will be working on our robot six days a week to get it finished. Once it is finished, before we put it in a crate and ship it to Purdue University for "Boilermaker," our regional competition, we will be hosting a practice game here in Muncie. This scrimmage game will give us and other teams a chance to practice with our robots and work out some of the bugs before the real competition.

Until next time,
Jessica Bennett

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