Saturday, February 25, 2012

Clean up day

Today was largely focused around cleaning up after build season.  There were a lot of tools and other things left lying around.  Other than that, we worked on assembling the second robot for drive practice.

The programmers discovered a 'very cool fan', while cleaning up their station.  Other than that, they too assisted with getting the second robot functional.  Other than that, almost nothing of note occurred.

Matthew Shaffer
 CAD/Mechanical Team

Week 6: Day 39

Tonight is our final day to work on our robot before it has to go into a sealed bag until competition. We finally got everything working and even did a little shooting practice in the gym across the street. We also fixed everything that didn't work at the scrimmage match, hopefully everything will still work when we get to Boilermaker...

Jessica Bennett
Mechanical/Blog Team

Here are some pictures from our "Bag and Tag" night.

We would not have a working robot with out our programmers!
We play tag too :)

Drive team practice

Almost a 3 point shot!

Ball sweeper

Bagged and Tagged...

Right at 11:59...
and put in a corner, not to be moved until Boilermaker.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 6: Day 38

Tonight, many things we learned at the scrimmage were fixed. We adjusted the sweepers, bumpers, and shooting mechanism. We changed our driving system from tank drive to arcade drive, and added a light to our sensor so it could better see the ball when it entered the robot.

Mechanical Team

Sunday, February 19, 2012

FIRST Robotics Practice Scrimmage

Instead of spending the day working on out robot we went to/co-hosted a practice game on Ball States campus. We ended up doing a little work on our robot, but the good thing about this practice game is that now we know what has to be fixed before our deadline.


Enjoy the photos!!! :)