Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 6: Day 36

Today we were finishing up work on the robot for the scrimmage match tomorrow. I was working with Jessica. We were working on attaching brackets to the robot to mount sensors on. The Team still needs to attach the bumpers and finish up some programming issues. We should be ready for the scrimmage if everything goes a planned and we don't run into any major issues. 
Douglas Mechanical Team


OUR ROBOTS!!!! :-)

Our Official Robot...
And Our Prototype Robot!!!
 *They have to share the launcher, at least they are nice about it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 6: Day 35

Going back to work on the prototype-bot. A lot of the faulty programming has been corrected and the new digital side-car is working fine at the moment.  Programing and testing is now underway on the robot's turret.  As of now preparation for reattaching the CRIO on the actual is going on tonight too.

Matthew Plamowski
Mechanical team

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 6: Day 33

We accomplished quite a lot today. We are focusing in on just the electrical and programing side of things now. We have both robots finished as far as the mechanics go. The only thing left to do now is to finish the wiring on the small robot and work out the programing bugs on both the big and little bot.

Jessica Bennett

P.S. Have you checked out our YouTube Channel yet? There are daily video updates, a weekly photo video, and lots more! Look us up at phyxtgears1720

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 6: Day 32

As the season winds down to the end the intensity rises and makes it fun, challenging,and stressful all adding to the wonderful experience of First. Tonight we started wiring the robot and hooking up pneumatics, it is pretty cool to see the robot coming together. We also had potential drive team members take the drive team test, it was comprised of strategies, penalties and more. The team is also trying to decide on a name for our robot and have had some rather interesting names come up. Hopefully we will be able to come to a conclusion before long.Tonight felt rather successful and leaving us looking forward to tomorrows wonderful challenges to make ourselves learn and grow to become better at the jobs we do!!

Welding/Mechanical Team

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 6: Day 31

We had a small group today as most of our team members were working on our still unnamed robot until 5am. We did get a little more work done though. The ball lifter has a sleek looking plastic cover over it. Most of the wiring on the prototype is finished, but still need to get the programing to work. That was about it for this afternoon.

Jessica Bennett


P.S. Don't forget to reserve Sunday, February19th to attend the Muncie Robotics Scrimmage - 15 Indiana FIRST Robotics teams will be in the house (BSU's Ball Gym) to test their new robots, 1 - 5 pm. Come and join us!

Some photos from our all-nighter

Mike and Tommy doing something else
Tim and Douglas doing something

People working on the prototype bot
Tyler and Gary cutting wood for the bumpers

Ryan.... Actually working ;-)

Talking about what to do next...

Top secret programming meeting

Measure twice cut once
Anna and Hannah power team

Dakotah and Michael working on the ramp pusher arm
Orange basketballs any one?
Small hands are always in short supply

Break time :)

Week 6: Day 30

Greetings from FIRST Team 1720. Tonight was our first, and hopefully only, all-night event of the season. Although the team has been extremely diligent in the last month, meeting six times a week, we've really struggled to come up with a good design for the basketball shooting mechanism. We prototyped much longer than we planned, building and testing at least four concepts before finding something that would make a free throw reliably. The results are good: we think we can get to 80% (maybe better!) accuracy on the hardest shots. Now with only a week to go we've got a lot of time to put in before the scrimmage. We made it this far without working on Friday nights (even robot fanatics need a night off!) but now that it's crunch time we decided an all-night build event was a good way to take the pressure off in the next week.

Speaking of the scrimmage match: for those who don't know, Team 1720 organizes and hosts an open-to-the-public practice match at Ball State University every year. Next week up to about 15 teams will participate in a friendly scrimmage; it's a great way for us to meet new teams, entertain the public, and work out a few last minute bugs. Plus it gives our drivers valuable practice; each robot handles differently, and until we get real "court time" we can't truly perfect our game skills.

Spirits are high despite some frustrating software issues (not our program, but the equipment we're trying to use) even as we enter the wee hours of the morning and our soda supply has run dangerously low. With any luck at all we'll have a functioning robot in a few short hours and will be able to focus on bug fixes and optimization throughout the next week. Fingers crossed!

Hope to see you at the scrimmage on Saturday! Wish us luck!

Brian Zabel
Mentor, President